Buy-Back Guarantee

If we miss anything in the course of our inspection of your home, InterNACHI will buy it back for the price you paid. No worries on your end!

Our $10,000 Guarantee

We guarantee your personal property in your home up to $10,000 during the time we’re there for an inspection. That’s peace of mind.

First-time Homebuyer Friendly

Buying your first home? We’ll take the time to walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you have.

What Really Matters in a Home Inspection

Buying a home? The process can be stressful. A home inspection is supposed to give you peace of mind but, depending on the findings, it may have the...

15 Tools Every Homeowner Should Own

The following items are essential tools, but this list is by no means exhaustive. Feel free to ask an InterNACHI inspector during your next...

Three Deadly Mistakes Every Home Buyer Should Avoid

Deadly Mistake #1: Thinking you can't afford it Many people who thought that buying the home they wanted was simply out of their reach are now...

10 Tips to Speed Up Your Home Inspection

Speed up your home sale by preparing your home ahead of time using the following tips. Your home inspection will go smoother, with fewer concerns to...

Child-Proofing Your Home: 12 Safety Devices to Protect Your Children

About 2.5 million children are injured or killed by hazards in the home each year. The good news is that many of these incidents can be prevented by...


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